Friday, October 13, 2023

Article I, Sections 1, 2, 3 Worksheet


apportion - divide and allocate.

 Read the follow from Article I, Section 2:


Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

 1) What does this clause do? Explains how representatives in the House of Representatives are distributed based on the population of a state.

 2) What is meant by “…all other persons.”?  "...all other persons." refers to slaves.

3) What is the least amount of representatives a state can have?  The least amount of representatives a state can have is one.

4) Who is the “executive authority” of a state?  The executive authority of a state is a state's governor.

5) Find the clause discussing how vacancies in the House of Representatives are filled. How are they filled?  The governor, which is a state's executive authority, calls for an election to fill vacancies.

 An impeachment inquiry is an investigation of possible wrongdoing by a federal official, such as the president of the United States, Cabinet officials or judges.  For any article of impeachment to advance from the committee to a full vote of the House, a simple majority vote of the committee is typically needed so that the committee can forward the article. The committee may forward multiple articles, with each one usually requiring a separate vote of the committee.  If the House adopts the articles by a simple majority vote, the official has been impeached. The Senate holds an impeachment trial.

 5) According to Section 3 of Article I, how are vacancies in the Senate filled when a state legislature is not in recess?  When a state legislature is not in recess, it appoints someone to fill vacancies.

6) How are vacancies in the Senate filled when the legislature is in recess?  If the state legislature is in recess then the governor (a state's executive authority) appoints someone to fill that vacancy until the legislature comes together at which point they appoint someone.

7) What roles do a Vice President play in the Senate? The Vice President serves as president of the Senate and casts a vote if there is a tie in voting.

8) What role does the Senate play in the impeachment process?  The Senate holds a trial for impeachments.

 9) Who presides over a presidential impeachment trial? The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over presidential impeachment trials.

The Chief Justice, as presiding officer of the Supreme Court, is responsible for running the judicial branch, in addition to hearing cases and writing opinions. The duties of the Chief Justice relating to the judicial branch are spelled out in federal law, his duties include assigning other judges (and himself) to other federal courts, and approving rules for maintaining the courts in the judicial branch and the properties they are located on.

 10) What is needed for a conviction (guilty verdict) in an impeachment trial?  A two-thirds vote of guilty is required for a conviction in an impeachment trial.

11) What can happen to a person who is found guilty in an impeachment trial?  A person found guilty in an impeachment trial can be removed from office.

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